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Update - I'm Training in Canada now

I have been somewhat neglectful of this blog recently. I have been busy, yet conversely found myself having nothing much to write about, this will therefore be a pretty short post.

In the last four months I have finished my degree at Kingston University and started training in Canada. Why there? Well, ever since I started training with my coach back in 2011 he has been threatening to move back to Canada, 2019 was the year he finally did. I couldn't see myself being coached by anyone else. I'd had the experience of long distance coaching during term time at uni - getting texted my training sessions every day is not quite the same as having someone there to tell you what you should be doing to improve. There was one option really - If I wanted to keep enjoying training and continue to get faster I would have to train in Canada.

One of the main downsides to this major geographical alteration is that my prosthetists are UK based, so any blade adjustments mean a plane journey back to England, this is what I did in August (I also had my Birthday back home in Bath which was nice). I also had the chance to compete a few times, unfortunately none of these went to plan and I certainly don't feel I've reached my potential this season. However, I have exceeded all my own academic expectations and managed to get a first in my degree, this was a total shock as pretty much all my grades had been 2:1s.

I may not have run well this season (I'll probably go into more detail as to why in a future post) but this year has still been a pretty good to me so far, and there is only a quarter left of it... how is it nearly 2020?!

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